Thursday 2 February 2017

We Were Liars - E. Lockhart

Summary -
The Sinclairs seemingly lead a perfect life. However, everything is not as perfect as it seems.
(How's that for a clichéd dramatic starting line?)
Every year, Cadence, Gat, Johnny and Mirren wait for the summers when the entire Sinclair family get together in their private island.
However, one summer, due to certain turn of events, their lives will change forever.

Now, I almost skipped out on writing an entry for this book because I didn't want to write paragraphs about how much I hated it.
I'm in the minority here because everyone I know loved the book. And that brings me to my main frustration - What was so likeable? Am I missing out on something?
I can list out everything that I felt was wrong with the book which includes but is not limited to -
  • The writing style.
Please don't divide
Your writing into fragments
It's unnecessary.
And bothersome.
If I might add,

  • The characters were flat and uninteresting. And don't even get me started on their pettiness and stupidity. Their "plan" was so stupid and everyone just went along with it without making adjustments that any sensible person would make.
  • The "twist". I'm not going to spoil it just in case someone accidentally stumbles upon this post  and has not read the book. But, let me just say, that I saw it coming. It was very obvious from the direction in which the author was going with this book.
  • The racism that was brought up just for the heck of it and then abandoned just like that. What was the point? I feel like it was just conveniently fitted into the book without any reason.
So, yes. I didn't like the book at all. It was just boring and I couldn't have cared less if Cadence(the protagonist/unreliable narrator) died at the end of it.

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